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Moving To A Safe Neighborhood

How to determine if a neighborhood is safe – There are a number of ways to determine the relative safety of a neighborhood. The most obvious is to speak with your Realtor about it. They should be able to give the details about the neighborhood’s actual crime statistics verses it’s reputation. There are other methods:…

Getting Ready for A Spring Move!

Planning on moving In Spring? It’s not quite warm enough outside to think about “Spring Cleaning” yet. How about “Spring Prepping?” If you’re planning on moving in Spring, now is the perfect time to get prepped. Start with one room… Going room by room, one room at a time will really help you to focus on…

Get Ready For The Home Inspection

Getting Ready for the Home Inspection When getting ready to buy or sell a house, a home inspection is usually a really good idea! If you’re the buyer – you want to make sure you understand what you’re getting into by purchasing a particular property. You want to be aware of existing problems or even…

Winter Moving Tips!

Thinking of moving this winter? Here are a few tips to make the process easier. Moving during the winter months is just like moving any other time of the year – stressful. Here are a few tips to make moving in the winter much less daunting than you might have thought. Plan ahead. Give yourself…