Does your house have the deeply desired home features most homebuyers want?
Recently the National Association of Realtors conducted a survey on the home features that homebuyers desire. Buyers told them what they want (what they really really want…) and here’s the list of the top 6.
#6 – According to the NAHB survey, home buyers are looking for storage. And more than “just enough room for storage,” they want out of the way, well organized, garage storage! It comes in on the list at #6.
#5 – It turns out that in this modern age in which we’re living, some traditions still hold true. The #5 home buyer desire is good old fashioned, hardwood floors.
#4 – Not surprisingly, a home’s outdoor living area is very important to home buyers. Particularly the backyard. Most home buyers who took the NAHB survey cited a patio as very important to envisioning themselves happily living in the house. A deck or patio gives it that “very-very- very fine house” feeling.
#3 – Energy efficiencies are very high on the list of homebuyer wants. From efficient appliances to windows, when homebuyers want someone to light up their lives, they want to have it done in an environmentally conscientious, cost saving manner.
#2 – When the lights go down in the city, and the sun shines on the bay, homebuyers want to have a well lit yard. As it turns out, outdoor lighting is #2 on the list of most sought after features detailed in the survey.
#1 From “Millennials” to “The Silent Generation” and every age in between – the number one most desired house feature homebuyers desire is – A SEPARATE LAUNDRY ROOM! I guess everyone wants to avoid the “All Night Laundry Mat Blues.”