How to tell when you’re ready to sell!

Deciding to sell your house is not something you want to take lightly. You won’t want to drag your feet either. How can you tell if you’re ready to sell?

  1. The thrill is gone. Do you remember how excited you were when you bought your house? You saw it as a place to build a life and make memories… Now – when you think about your house “meh” comes to mind. Thinking about renovations to make your space more “livable” doesn’t even spark your interest. Ask yourself – Am I ready to sell? If you don’t feel any emotional attachment, you get excited about the possibilities that changing houses provides and you don’t second guess that call – you might be ready to sell!
  2. The money makes sense. Finances can have a huge impact on whether or not you’re ready to sell your house. If you can afford to move, selling a house in the current market conditions makes a lot of sense. On the other side of the coin, if your finances have changed and you can no longer afford to keep your house – selling it in this market still makes a lot of sense. The low inventory in our area means houses sell faster than ever. Buyers know they need to move quickly and bring something extra to the table.
  3. Your house isn’t a good fit anymore. Buying a house with four bedrooms, four and a half baths, a huge kitchen and fenced backyard with a swimming pool may have made sense when your family was growing. If you find yourself thinking that you’d like a little less housework or a little less yard work and you don’t even use the swimming pool anymore, you’re probably ready to sell. On the flip side, if your  family is growing and you’ve run out of room – you’re probably ready to sell and move on to something a bit more spacious.

If you feel ready to sell your house, and you’re considering putting it on the market – give us a call. We can help you get the most out of your house, in the least amount of time. Call 269-488-1530 for the Watts Realty Team – we’ll be happy to help.