A person may be dealing with many issues when faced with having to sell real estate as a result of the terms in a “Trust.”
It can be a very stressful time.
It may help alleviate some of the turmoil involved in the process to know that: in the state of Michigan; you do not have to turn over the entire trust document, containing all that private information, to a title company – just to get your property sold. In most instances, a Certificate of Trust (also referred to as “A Certificate of Trust Existence”) will suffice. This document provides the title company with only the information they need and none of the personal details they don’t. It actually makes their job easier, as everything they require is laid out for them and they don’t have to search for it. If you don’t have one, the attorney who drafted the trust can more than likely draw one up for you. [The preceding information is in no way intended / nor should be construed as legal advice]
Attorney J. Ryan Conboy of the law firm Kreis and Enderle wrote a great article about Certificates of Trust – Click the link below to read the article.
Use A Certificate of Trust to Maintain Privacy