What You’ll Want To Keep In Mind When You’re House Hunting!
House hunting can be a fun and exciting time! When you’re looking for that special place to allow your life to unfold, you’ll want to keep a few things in mind.
- Dream, but realistically.
- Figure out how much you can afford. Not in a we can live on noodles and fast food salsa packets kind of way; a realistic view of what you can live with.
- Don’t buy a fixer-upper if you don’t have any idea (read experience) in fixing things up!
- Hunt for a neighborhood, not just a house. Visit the house at several different times during the day. Get to know the sounds, and noise levels and whether or not that fits with your lifestyle.
- Enjoy yourself! Can you imagine how much effort it’ll take to find the home of your dreams if you’re looking with a negative attitude?
- Get a great realtor!
- Get a good idea of what you really want before you begin house hunting and you’ll enjoy the process much more!