Selling a house in May

The best month to sell a house!


If you’ve been considering selling your home – May – may just be the very best month of the year to do it! Why you ask?

May is typically the time of year that people begin seriously searching for a home.

  • The school year is getting close to an end in most areas. Parents don’t have to worry about interrupting the school year.
  • The weather encourages people to get out of their homes and visit open houses
  • A home’s yard will show better and add value to a home when it’s greened up.

List your house in EARLY May to sell it quickly.

  • Because the availability of homes in the area is so limited, it’s likely a reasonably priced home will sell quickly at any time of year. However, when people are in a more serious about their searching, they tend to make an offer more quickly. Zillow authored a study stating that homes listed within the first 2 weeks of May sold an average of 18 days faster than those listed at any other time of the year.

Early May listings sell for more money.

  • states that homes listed in the first 2 weeks of May typically sold for $1600 more than those listed at different times of the year.

Spring can be a tricky time of year to navigate selling a house.Timing is critical. In our area you don’t want to launch too early and minimize the impact of a beautiful yard. You don’t want to list too late and miss serious buyers renewed spring enthusiasm. It’s safe to say that with critically low inventory, listing your home in this particular May should result in a fast sale.

If you or someone you know is considering buying or selling a house – Give the Watts Realty Team a call at 269-488-1530. We’ll be happy to help you at any time of the year.